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Magimix 5200xl Egg Whisk Grey Cook Expert 5200 190mm 17355




Magimix 5200 XL Egg Whisk 18514 18515 18519 18522 18523 18524 18526 18527 18529 18531 18532 18533 18534 18535 18537 18584 18585 18590 18591 18592


Magimix 17355 Egg whisk 5200xl 5200 Cook expert meringues - whipped cream

Magimix 5200xl egg whisk for maximum 8 egg whites - 190mm high

For beating egg whites alway push the Pulse button once to start the mixture moving. Specially designed geared egg whisk automatically adjust to the job and load.

For maximum volume use fresh eggs at room temperture and add a pinch of salt or a drop of lemon juice. Simply process until egg whites are stiff,

Do not put the pusher in the top of the lid when processing this prevents the air from coming into the mixture.

Whipped cream : do not use low fat cream as it will not whip properly, always use full fat whipping cream.

Click here - See Egg Whisk Video

This product has a Magimix Three year guarantee for domestic use

Important  If the machine is turned upside down, the machine number will be on rectangular plate this should say the following models

Magimix 5200 XL 18522 18514 18515 18519 18522 18523 18524 18526 18527 18529 18531 18532 18533 18534 18535 18537 18584 18585 18590 18591 18592 18522, 18534, Magimix Blendermix 18526, 18527, 18531, 18533, 18534, 18536, 18535, 18514, 18524, 18537, 18532 or 18524.

Part of the 17549 upgrade kit - Magimix Cuisine system 5100 - 16515 16516 16557 16558 16561  Magimix 5000 15519

(C) BBS ltd


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