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Magimix Start Relay 5000 5100 5200 5200XL 4200 4200XL 4639




Magimix Start Relay 4150 4200 4200xl 5000 5100 5150 5200 5200xl Patissier 4639 Starts the motor Moving Capacitor


Magimix 500289 start relay 5000 5100 5200 4200 4100

Robot Coupe R201, R211 R301 - 4639

A start relay for an induction motor controls the motor's starting state and rotation direction. It's connected to the terminals of the motor's main and auxiliary windings, as well as the permanent circuit capacitor and start capacitor.

This part should be replaced by a electrical engineer or competant person.

If the machine spindle does not turn (without blade) this could mean that the start relay needs to be replaced,

Please check the spindle is not rounded off or the tools damaged inside.

Check this spindle should be able to turn by hand.  

If the motor is turning slowly please see Capacitor

Magimix Cuisine systeme 4100, 5100, 5100G -

Grande Famille 3500 , Grande Cuisine 2800S (the size needs to be checked many of the older ones have smaller Circumference)

Magimix 4200 - 18400 18402 18420 18421 18426 18427 18428 18429
Magimix 4200 XL - 18403 18404 18422 18432, 18434 18435 18434 18470 18471 18473 18474 18475
Magimix 4150 -18294.
Magimix 5200 - 18500 18501 18509 18520 18526 18527 18529 18528 and 18521.
Magimix 5200xl - 18514 18515 18519 18522 18523 18524 18531 18532 18533 18534 18535 18536 18537 18584 18585 18590 18591 18592
Pattissier - 18615 18616 18617 18618 18619

BBS ltd offers a fitting service for this part

Please see fixed repair cost Here

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(C) BBS ltd


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